Garage Door Sensors in New Hudson, MI

Why Does Cold Weather Affect Garage Door Sensors in New Hudson, MI?

March 25, 2021

There are plenty of reasons why you could be having trouble closing your garage door. If the problem occurs during the cold season, the low temperatures could be taking a toll on your garage door sensors or other components. Read on to learn about some common garage door problems during the cold weather and how you can identify them in New Hudson, MI.


Condensation is a common garage door sensor problem in New Hudson, MI, during the winter. The good thing is, it’s an easily fixable issue.

It’s also easy to diagnose since all you need to do is check the sensors for any signs of clouding up. If they’re indeed clouded up. Simply wiping them off should see your garage door back to a functioning state.

Frozen Lubricant

Your garage door needs a lubricant to open and close smoothly. Unfortunately, the lubricant might not stand the cold weather and might end up getting frozen.

To fix the problem, consider replacing the lubricant. You might also consider silicon-based spray lubricants, which work well even during the cold season.

Misaligned Sensors

All be it ever so slightly, the metal in your garage door system can contract during the cold weather and expand during the hot season. The alternate expansion and contraction might shift the safety sensors.

Consequently, the sensors may not be able to tell whether there’s an obstruction in their path. To fix the problem, the emitter will need to be realigned for the garage door to close properly.

Contact the Experts

Even after checking for these simple problems, you might experience issues with your garage door or the opener. If you need garage door repairs or maintenance services, it’s always best to call a qualified technician. Contact William Garage Doors for professional garage door assistance today.

Image provided by iStock

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